

Protective Device Breaker Unit Type Motor ProtectionA coherent set of attributes representing different capacities of a a motor protection device, defined in accordance with IEC 60947. Note - A protective device may be associated with different instances of this Pset.
AAのモータ保護装置の異なる容量を表す属性の一貫したセットは、IEC60947に基づいて定義されています。 注-保護装置は、このプロセッサセットの別のインスタンスに関連付けられている可能性があります。


PerformanceClasses P_LISTVALUE / IfcLabel
Performance ClassesA set of designations of performance classes for the breaker unit for which the data of this instance is valid. A set of designations of performance classes for the breaker unit for which the data of this instance is valid. A breaker unit being a motor protection device may be constructed for different levels of breaking capacities. A maximum of 7 different performance classes may be provided. Examples of performance classes that may be specified include B, C, N, S, H, L, V.
能力クラスモータ保護を行う開閉装置は、能力が違う最大7種類がある。名称の例として、B, C, N, S, H, L, Vが含まれる。
VoltageLevel P_ENUMERATEDVALUE / IfcLabel / PEnum_VoltageLevels
Voltage LevelThe voltage levels for which the data of the instance is valid. More than one value may be selected in the enumeration.
ICU60947 P_SINGLEVALUE / IfcElectricCurrentMeasure
ICU60947The ultimate breaking capacity in [A] for an object tested in accordance with the IEC 60947 series.
ICS60947 P_SINGLEVALUE / IfcElectricCurrentMeasure
ICS60947The service breaking capacity in [A] for an object tested in accordance with the IEC 60947 series.
ICW60947 P_SINGLEVALUE / IfcElectricCurrentMeasure
ICW60947The thermal withstand current in [A] for a circuit breaker or motor protection device tested in accordance with the IEC 60947 series. The value shall be related to 1 s.
ICW60947IEC60947シリーズに基づいてテストした配線遮断機またはモータ保護装置のための電流[A]に耐える温度。 値は、1sで与えられる。
ICM60947 P_SINGLEVALUE / IfcElectricCurrentMeasure
ICM60947The making capacity in [A] for a circuit breaker or motor protection device tested in accordance with the IEC 60947 series.

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