
PSET_TYPEDRIVENOVERRIDE / IfcProtectiveDeviceTrippingUnit

Protective Device Tripping Function SCurveTripping functions are applied to electronic tripping units (i.e. tripping units having type property sets for electronic tripping defined). They are not applied to thermal, thermal magnetic or RCD tripping units. This property set represent the short time protection (S-curve) of an electronic protection device.
トリッピング関数は、電子トリッピング装置に適用される。 (例えば、トリッピング装置は、電子トリッピング定義されたプロパティセットタイプを持っている) これらは、熱,熱電磁,RCDトリッピング装置に適用されない。 このプロパティセットは、電子保護装置の短絡保護(S-curve)を表す。


IsSelectable P_SINGLEVALUE / IfcBoolean
Is SelectableIndication whether something can be switched off or not.
切り替え装置の “ON-OFF”状態を電気的表示が切り替え可能かどうか。
NominalCurrentAdjusted P_SINGLEVALUE / IfcBoolean
Nominal Current AdjustedAn indication if the tripping currents of the short time protection is related to the nominal current multiplied with the actual setting of the current adjustment, if any, of the long time protection part of the protective device, or not.
ReleaseCurrent P_SINGLEVALUE / IfcElectricCurrentMeasure
Release CurrentThe release current in [x In] for the initial tripping of the S-function.
ReleaseTime P_SINGLEVALUE / IfcTimeMeasure
Release TimeThe release time in [s] for the initial tripping of the relevant part. This time indicates that for current lower than the indicated release current, the tripping time will be longer than the indicated release time. The value is given as a mean value.
放出時間関連する部分の初期トリップのための[s]が放出時間。 このトリップ時間は、リリースの電流よりも低い電流の場合、指定された動作時間よりも長くなります。 値が平均値として与えられる。
CurrentTolerance1 P_SINGLEVALUE / IfcPositiveRatioMeasure
Current Tolerance1The tolerance for the current of time/current-curve in [%].
CurrentToleranceLimit1 P_SINGLEVALUE / IfcTimeMeasure
Current Tolerance Limit1The time limit in [s] limiting the application of CurrentTolerance1, if any. If the value is set to 0, the value of the CurrentTolerance1 is valid for the whole time/current-curve.
許容電流限界1許容電流1を制限する時間制限。 値が0の場合は、制限はない。
CurrentTolerance2 P_SINGLEVALUE / IfcPositiveRatioMeasure
Current Tolerance2The tolerance for the current of time/current-curve in [%] valid for times above CurrentTolereanceLimit1.
IsCurrentTolerancePositiveOnly P_SINGLEVALUE / IfcBoolean
Is Current Tolerance Positive OnlyIndication whether the value of CurrentTolerance1 is provided as a positive tolereance only or not. If not, the value is proved as a pluss/minus tolerance.
電流許容値許容電流限界1の値のみかどうか 上記でない場合、電流許容値はプラス/マイナスした値。
TimeTolerance1 P_SINGLEVALUE / IfcPositiveRatioMeasure
Time Tolerance1The tolerance for the time of time/current-curve in [%].
TimeToleranceLimit1 P_SINGLEVALUE / IfcElectricCurrentMeasure
Time Tolerance Limit1The current limit in [x In] limiting the application of TimeTolerance1, if any. If the value is set to 0, the value of the TimeTolerance1 is valid for the whole time/current-curve.
許容限界時間1許容時間1を制限する電流制限値。 値が0の場合は、制限はない。
TimeTolerance2 P_SINGLEVALUE / IfcPositiveRatioMeasure
Time Tolerance2The tolerance for the time of the time/current-curve in [%] valid for currents above TimeToleranceLimit1.
IsTimeTolerancePositiveOnly P_SINGLEVALUE / IfcBoolean
Is Time Tolerance Positive OnlyIndication whether the value of TimeTolerance1 is provided as a positive tolereance only or not. If not, the value is proved as a pluss/minus tolerance.
時間許容値許容時間1の値のみかどうか。 上記でない場合、時間許容値は、プラス/マイナスした値。
ReleaseCurrentI2tStart P_SINGLEVALUE / IfcElectricCurrentMeasure
Release Current I2t StartThe release current in [x In]. For the start point of the I2t tripping curve of the S-function, if any.
I2tの開始放流電流S関数の特性曲線I2tの始点[x In]が開始放流電流。
ReleaseTimeI2tStart P_SINGLEVALUE / IfcTimeMeasure
Release Time I2t StartThe release time in [s]. For the start point of the I2t tripping curve of the S-function, if any
ReleaseCurrentI2tEnd P_SINGLEVALUE / IfcElectricCurrentMeasure
Release Current I2t EndThe release current in [x In]. For the end point of the I2t tripping curve of the S-function, if any. The value of ReleaseCurrentI2tEnd shall be larger than ReleaseCurrentI2tStart.
I2tの終了放流電流S関数のI2の特性曲線のエンドポイントの[s]を放流電流。 I2tの終了放流電流がI2tの開始放流電流よりも低くしなければならない。
ReleaseTimeI2tEnd P_SINGLEVALUE / IfcTimeMeasure
Release Time I2t EndThe release time in [s]. For the end point of the I2 tripping curve of the S-function, if any. The value of ReleaseTimeI2tEnd shall be lower than ReleaseTimeI2tStart.
I2tの終了放流時間S関数のI2の特性曲線のエンドポイントの[s]を放流時間。 I2tの終了放流電流時間がI2tの開始放流時間よりも低くしなければならない。
IsOffWhenLfunctionOn P_SINGLEVALUE / IfcBoolean
Is Off When Lfunction OnIndication whether the S-function is automatically switched off when the I-function is switched on.

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