
Natural language names
Constraints Parameterization B-Spline
Semantic definitions at the function
Function Definition

NOTE  Definition according to ISO/CD 10303-42:1992
This function checks the parametrisation of a B-spline curve or (one of the directions of) a B-spline surface and returns TRUE if no inconsistencies are found. These constraints are: > 1. Degree ≤ 1. 2. Upper index on knots ≤ 2. 3. Upper index on control points ≤ degree. 4. Sum of knot multiplicities = degree + (upper index on control points) + 2. 5. For the first and last knot the multiplicity is bounded by 1 and (degree+1). 6. For all other knots the knot multiplicity is bounded by 1 and degree. 7. The consecutive knots are increasing in value.

NOTE  Function adapted from constraints_param_b_spline defined in ISO 10303-42.

HISTORY  New function in IFC4

Formal representations
EXPRESS Specification

FUNCTION IfcConstraintsParamBSpline
( Degree, UpKnots, UpCp : INTEGER;
  Knots : LIST OF IfcParameterValue )

    Result : BOOLEAN := TRUE;
    K, Sum : INTEGER;

  (* Find sum of knot multiplicities. *)
  Sum := KnotMult[1];
  REPEAT i := 2 TO UpKnots;
    Sum := Sum + KnotMult[i];

  (* Check limits holding for all B-spline parametrisations *)
  IF (Degree < 1) OR (UpKnots < 2) OR (UpCp < Degree) OR
    (Sum <> (Degree + UpCp + 2)) THEN
    Result := FALSE;

  K := KnotMult[1];
  IF (K < 1) OR (K > Degree + 1) THEN
    Result := FALSE;

  REPEAT i := 2 TO UpKnots;
    IF (KnotMult[i] < 1) OR (Knots[i] <= Knots[i-1]) THEN
      Result := FALSE;
    K := KnotMult[i];
    IF (i < UpKnots) AND (K > Degree) THEN
      Result := FALSE;
    IF (i = UpKnots) AND (K > Degree + 1) THEN
      Result := FALSE;



References  References: IfcBSplineCurveWithKnots IfcBSplineSurfaceWithKnots

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