

Pipe Fitting Base QuantitiesBase quantities that are common to the definition of all types and occurrences of pipe fittings.


LengthThe length of the object. Calculated at midpoint of cross-section and equal to the distance along the flow path from the port inlet to the port outlet. For junction fittings, it indicates the length of the longest flow path.
GrossCrossSectionArea Q_AREA
Gross Cross Section AreaArea of the cross section. Including the pipe fitting itself and the interior flow space.
NetCrossSectionArea Q_AREA
Net Cross Section AreaArea of the cross section of the object. Including the pipe fitting and excluding the interior flow space.
OuterSurfaceArea Q_AREA
Outer Surface AreaTotal area of the surfaces of the object (not taking into account the end cap areas), normally generated as perimeter * length in case of extrusions.
GrossWeight Q_WEIGHT
Gross WeightTotal Gross Weight of the object without any add-on parts and not taking into account possible processing features (cut-out's, etc.) or openings and recesses. Not including contained fluid.
NetWeight Q_WEIGHT
Net WeightTotal net weight of the object without add-on parts, taking into account possible processing features (cut-out's, etc.) or openings and recesses. Weight of the pipe fitting, including contained fluid as designed.

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