

Work Control CommonProperties common to the definition of all occurrences of IfcWorkPlan and IfcWorkSchedule (subtypes of IfcWorkControl).
IfcWorkPlan およびIfcWorkSchedule オブジェクト(IfcWorkControlオブジェクトのサブクラス)に関する共通プロパティセット定義。


WorkStartTime P_SINGLEVALUE / IfcTime
Work Start TimeThe default time of day a task is scheduled to start. For presentation purposes, if the start time of a task matches the WorkStartTime, then applications may choose to display the date only. Conversely when entering dates without specifying time, applications may automatically append the WorkStartTime.
WorkFinishTime P_SINGLEVALUE / IfcTime
Work Finish TimeThe default time of day a task is scheduled to finish. For presentation purposes, if the finish time of a task matches the WorkFinishTime, then applications may choose to display the date only. Conversely when entering dates without specifying time, applications may automatically append the WorkFinishTime.
WorkDayDuration P_SINGLEVALUE / IfcDuration
Work Day DurationThe elapsed time within a worktime-based day. For presentation purposes, applications may choose to display IfcTask durations in work days where IfcTaskTime.DurationType=WORKTIME. This value must be less than or equal to 24 hours (an elapsed day); if omitted then 8 hours is assumed.
WorkWeekDuration P_SINGLEVALUE / IfcDuration
Work Week DurationThe elapsed time within a worktime-based week. For presentation purposes, applications may choose to display IfcTask durations in work weeks where IfcTaskTime.DurationType=WORKTIME. This value must be less than or equal to 168 hours (an elapsed week); if omitted then 40 hours is assumed.
WorkMonthDuration P_SINGLEVALUE / IfcDuration
Work Month DurationThe elapsed time within a worktime-based month. For presentation purposes, applications may choose to display IfcTask durations in work months where IfcTaskTime.DurationType=WORKTIME. This value must be less than or equal to 744 hours (an elapsed month of 31 days); if omitted then 160 hours is assumed.

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