
Natural language names
Topology Representation Types
Semantic definitions at the function
Function Definition

The function gets the topology representation type and the assigned set of representation items as input and verifies whether the correct items are assigned according to the representation type given.

HISTORY  New function in IFC2x3

Formal representations
EXPRESS Specification

FUNCTION IfcTopologyRepresentationTypes
(RepType : IfcLabel; Items : SET OF IfcRepresentationItem) : LOGICAL;
      Count : INTEGER := 0;

    CASE RepType OF
    'Vertex' :
        Count := SIZEOF(QUERY(temp <* Items |
                  ('IFCTOPOLOGYRESOURCE.IfcVertex' IN TYPEOF(temp))));
    'Edge' :
        Count := SIZEOF(QUERY(temp <* Items |
                  ('IFCTOPOLOGYRESOURCE.IfcEdge' IN TYPEOF(temp))));
    'Path' :
        Count := SIZEOF(QUERY(temp <* Items |
                  ('IFCTOPOLOGYRESOURCE.IfcPath' IN TYPEOF(temp))));
    'Face' :
        Count := SIZEOF(QUERY(temp <* Items |
                  ('IFCTOPOLOGYRESOURCE.IfcFace' IN TYPEOF(temp))));
    'Shell' :
        Count := SIZEOF(QUERY(temp <* Items |
                  ('IFCTOPOLOGYRESOURCE.IfcOpenShell' IN TYPEOF(temp))
                    OR ('IFCTOPOLOGYRESOURCE.IfcClosedShell' IN TYPEOF(temp))));
    'Undefined': RETURN(TRUE);
    RETURN (Count = SIZEOF(Items));


References  References: IfcTopologyRepresentation

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