

ConditionDetermines the state or condition of an element at a particular point in time.


AssessmentDate P_SINGLEVALUE / IfcDate
Assessment DateDate on which the overall condition is assessed
AssessmentCondition P_SINGLEVALUE / IfcLabel
Assessment ConditionThe overall condition of a product based on an assessment of the contributions to the overall condition made by the various criteria considered. The meanings given to the values of assessed condition should be agreed and documented by local agreements. For instance, is overall condition measured on a scale of 1 - 10 or by assigning names such as Good, OK, Poor.
評価状態様々な基準を用いた評価による製品に関する全体的な状態。評価された状態値の意味は、ローカル協定によって同意され、文書化されなければならない。例えば、状態を1から10の値で計測したり、Good, Ok, Poor等で表す。
AssessmentDescription P_SINGLEVALUE / IfcText
Assessment DescriptionQualitative description of the condition.
AssessmentType P_SINGLEVALUE / IfcLabel Category of latest condition assessment report of the asset.
AssessmentMethod P_REFERENCEVALUE / IfcDocumentReference External reference to assessment method or application used to perform the assessment.
LastAssessmentReport P_SINGLEVALUE / IfcLabel Reference to latest condition (state of health) report.
NextAssessmentDate P_SINGLEVALUE / IfcDate Date of next condition inspection
AssessmentFrequency P_SINGLEVALUE / IfcTimeMeasure Indicates how often the equipment should be assessed, to have a clear estimation on its working state, based on which the maintenance staff can decide whether it requires maintenance or requires to be updated or replaced.

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