
PSET_TYPEDRIVENOVERRIDE / IfcBeam,IfcBuildingElementProxy,IfcChimney,IfcColumn,IfcFooting,IfcMember,IfcPile,IfcPlate,IfcRamp,IfcRampFlight,IfcRoof,IfcSlab,IfcStair,IfcStairFlight,IfcWall,IfcCivilElement

Precast Concrete Element FabricationProduction and manufacturing related properties common to different types of precast concrete elements. The Pset applies to manufactured pieces. It can be used by a number of subtypes of IfcBuiltElement. If the precast concrete ele


TypeDesignation P_SINGLEVALUE / IfcLabel Type designator for the element. The content depends on local standards. Eg. 'Bull nose', 'Half batter', 'Dropper', 'Chamfer' etc
ProductionLotId P_SINGLEVALUE / IfcIdentifier
Production Lot IdThe manufacturer's production lot identifier.
SerialNumber P_SINGLEVALUE / IfcIdentifier *
Serial NumberThe manufacturer's serial number assigned to an occurrence of a product.
PieceMark P_SINGLEVALUE / IfcLabel
Piece MarkDefines a unique piece for production purposes. All pieces with the same piece mark value are identical and interchangeable. The piece mark may be composed of sub-parts that have specific locally defined meaning (e.g. B-1A may denote a beam, of generic type ‘1’ and specific shape ‘A’).
AsBuiltLocationNumber P_SINGLEVALUE / IfcLabel
As Built Location NumberDefines a unique location within a structure, the ‘slot’ into which the piece was installed. Where pieces share the same piece mark, they can be interchanged. The value is only known after erection.
ActualProductionDate P_SINGLEVALUE / IfcDateTime
Actual Production DateProduction date (stripped from form).
ActualErectionDate P_SINGLEVALUE / IfcDateTime
Actual Erection DateDate erected.

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