

Footing Base QuantitiesBase quantities that are common to the definition of all occurrences of footings.


LängeGesamte Länge des Fundaments, bei Streifenfundamenten entlang der Mittellinie. Sonst eine der beiden horizontalen Abmessungen. Der Wert wird nur angegeben, wenn die Länge konstant ist.
LengthThe length of the object. Not taking into account any cut-out's or other processing features. For strip footings it is measured along the path, for other footings it is one of the horizontal dimensions. It should only be provided, if it is constant.
DickeGesamte Dicke des Fundaments, bei Streifenfundamenten horizontal senkrecht der Mittellinie. Sonst eine der beiden horizontalen Abmessungen. Der Wert wird nur angegeben, wenn die Dicke konstant ist.
WidthThe width of the object. Only given, if the object has constant thickness (prismatic). For strip footings it is measured perpendicular to the footing path (or longitudial axis). For other footings it is one of the horizontal dimensions. It should only be provided, if it is constant.
HöheHöhe des Fundaments. Der Wert wird nur angegeben, wenn die Höhe konstant ist.
HeightCharacteristic height Total nominal height of the footing. It should only be provided, if it is constant.
CrossSectionArea Q_AREA
Cross Section AreaTotal area of the cross section (or profile) of the object.
OuterSurfaceArea Q_AREA
Outer Surface AreaTotal area of the surfaces of the object (not taking into account the end cap areas), normally generated as perimeter * length in case of extrusions.
GrossSurfaceArea Q_AREA
Gross Surface AreaTotal gross area of the object, normally generated as perimeter * length + 2 * cross section area. It is the sum of OuterSurfaceArea + (2 x CrossSectionArea) and shall only be given, if the OuterSurfaceArea and CrossSectionArea cannot be established separately.
GrossVolume Q_VOLUME
Gross VolumeTotal gross volume of the object. Openings, recesses, enclosed objects and projections are not taken into account.
NetVolume Q_VOLUME
Net VolumeTotal net volume of the object, taking into account possible processing features (cut-out's, etc.) or openings and recesses.
GrossWeight Q_WEIGHT
Gross WeightTotal Gross Weight of the object without any add-on parts and not taking into account possible processing features (cut-out's, etc.) or openings and recesses.
NetWeight Q_WEIGHT
Net WeightTotal net weight of the object without add-on parts, taking into account possible processing features (cut-out's, etc.) or openings and recesses.

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