Complementary Data Composition

Provision of an aggregation structure where the complementary data is part of another complementary data representing the composite. The part then provides, if such concepts are in scope of the Model View Definition, exclusively the following:

The part may also provide, in addition to the aggregate, more specifically the following:

The part should not be contained in the spatial hierarchy, i.e. the concept Spatial Containment shall not be used at the level of parts. The part is contained in the spatial structure by the spatial containment of its composite.

The part should not be assigned to an IfcProduct, i.e. the concept Product Assignment shall not be used at the level of parts.

EXAMPLE  An IfcComplementaryData may be aggregated into a composite IfcComplementaryData using the objectified relationship IfcRelAggregates, refering to it by its inverse attribute SELF\IfcObjectDefinition.Decomposes. Any subtype of IfcComplementaryData can be an element assembly. In this case it should not be additionally contained in the spatial hierarchy, i.e. SELF\IfcElement.ContainedInStructure should be NIL.

Figure 148 illustrates an instance diagram.

Complementary Data CompositionIfcComplementaryDataIfcRelAggregatesIfcComplementaryDataIfcLabel

Figure 148 — Complementary Data Composition

mvdXML Specification
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<ConceptTemplate xmlns:xsi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance" xmlns:xsd="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema" uuid="16689487-8082-435e-893f-c73b4caf7a22" name="Complementary Data Composition" applicableSchema="IFC4" applicableEntity="IfcComplementaryData">
    <AttributeRule RuleID="Decomposes" AttributeName="Decomposes">
        <EntityRule EntityName="IfcRelAggregates">
            <AttributeRule RuleID="RelatingObject" AttributeName="RelatingObject">
                <EntityRule EntityName="IfcComplementaryData">
                    <AttributeRule RuleID="ElementName" AttributeName="Name">
                        <EntityRule EntityName="IfcLabel" />

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