Spatial Interference With Zones

The Spatial Interference with Zone concept is an extension of the Spatial Interference concept which defines the relationship of spatial elements, such as facilities (IfcFacility & specialised subtypes) or facility parts (IfcFacilityPart with domain specific predefined types) that interfere or interface with other spatial elements across discipline spatial hierarchy branches, and extends the dataset with a related interference IfcSpatialZone via the IfcRelInterferesElements.InterferenceSpace attribute. The realizing IfcSpatialZone should always have the PredefinedType value set to INTERFERENCE.

The addition of a realizing IfcSpatialZone extends the functionality of this relationship with the following:

The Spatial Interference with Zone concept is defined to cover complex use cases where the interference results in co-engineering zones where multiple teams have to collaborate within the same spatial area while maintaining ownership and rights over there domain elements. A common example of this is a level crossing between a railway and a road. The road and railway hierarchies each have a segment that relates to the level crossing and an IfcRelInterferesElements relationship is defined to encode this connection. The relatiohsip is then extended with an IfcSpatialZone that defines the co-engineering zone and specific overlapping footprint or body geometry. Property sets can then be attached to the IfcSpatialZone and the explicit footprint or body geometry can be utilised for automated clash and cross domain approval/notification of model updates.

Figure 187 illustrates an instance diagram.

Spatial Interference With ZonesIfcSpatialElementIfcLabelIfcRelInterferesElementsIfcSpatialElementIfcLabelIfcIdentifierIfcSpatialZoneIfcSpatialZoneTypeEnum

Figure 187 — Spatial Interference With Zones

mvdXML Specification
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<ConceptTemplate xmlns:xsi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance" xmlns:xsd="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema" uuid="a4b43422-04a3-45c0-aa4b-725e391ec67b" name="Spatial Interference With Zones" applicableSchema="IFC4" applicableEntity="IfcSpatialElement">
    <AttributeRule RuleID="InterferesSpatialElements" AttributeName="InterferesElements">
        <EntityRule EntityName="IfcRelInterferesElements">
            <AttributeRule RuleID="RelatedSpatialElement" AttributeName="RelatedElement">
                <EntityRule EntityName="IfcSpatialElement">
                    <AttributeRule RuleID="RelatedSpatialElementName" AttributeName="Name">
                        <EntityRule EntityName="IfcLabel" />
            <AttributeRule RuleID="InterferenceType" AttributeName="InterferenceType">
                <EntityRule EntityName="IfcIdentifier" />
            <AttributeRule RuleID="InteferenceZone" AttributeName="InterferenceSpace">
                <EntityRule EntityName="IfcSpatialZone">
                    <AttributeRule RuleID="SpatialZoneType" AttributeName="PredefinedType">
                        <EntityRule Description="*" EntityName="IfcSpatialZoneTypeEnum">
                            <Constraint Expression="SpatialZoneType[Value] = 'INTERFERENCE'" />
    <AttributeRule RuleID="SpatialElementName" AttributeName="Name">
        <EntityRule EntityName="IfcLabel" />

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