This repository is to submit, review & store Test Cases & Instructions defined for IFC4.3 Alignment Based Reference View Certification, and is developed as part of the IFC Infrastructure MVD Project.
View the Project on GitHub bSI-InfraRoom/MVD-Infra-Test-Instructions
This repository is to submit, review & store Test Cases & Instructions defined for IFC4.3 Alignment Based Reference View Certification, and is developed as part of the IFC Infrastructure MVD Project.
MVD Code | IFC Version | MVD Name | Exchanges |
IFC4x3_AbRV | IFC4.3 | Alignment Based Reference View | 13 |
See the contributing guide for detailed instructions on how to start contributing to the MVD and certification development.
Issues can be open to highlight bugs in documentation or datasets or provide proposals for new exchanges or test cases to cover different scenarios just select the most appropriate issue template.
Contributions to content are made through the Fork & Pull Request work flow. Details guidance can be found in our contributing guide.
The Repository is divided into a set of Information Exchanges numbered Ex . each exchange has a number of test cases within it to fulfil and test the needed functionality of each exchange definition. Current identified Exchanges are as follows.
Ex Code | Exchange Name | Cases & Info |
E1 | Alignment Reference Exchange | ALRF |
E1a | Alignment Reference Superelevation Exchange | ARSE |
E1b | Alignment Reference Cant Exchange | ALRC |
E2 | Aggregate Structures Exchange | AGST |
E2a | Track Structures Exchange | TRAS |
E3 | Earthworks Exchange | EWKS |
E4 | Bridge Structural Exchange | BRST |
E5 | Signalling Exchange | SIGN |
E6 | Energy Exchange (Railway) | ENGY |
E7 | Geotechnics Exchange | GEOT |
E8 | Telecommunications Exchange | TECO |
E9 | Drainage Exchange | DNGE |
E10 | Maritime Elements Exchange | MTME |
See FAQ.