
Natural language names
LRM_ABSOLUTE Measurements are made from the start of the linear element being measured, in the direction of the linear element.
NOTE Definition according to ISO 19148:2021, LRMType.absolute.
LRM_RELATIVE Measurements are made from the specified “from referent” location, in the direction of the linear element.
NOTE Definition according to ISO 19148:2021, LRMType.relative.
LRM_INTERPOLATIVE Measurements are interpolated in accordance with the default length of the linear element.
NOTE Definition according to ISO 19148:2021, LRMType.interpolative.
LRM_USERDEFINED A user defined linear referencing method. The method needs to be specified as a UserDefinedLRMType in Pset_LinearReferencingMethod.

References  References: Pset_LinearReferencingMethod

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