
PSET_OCCURRENCEDRIVEN / IfcAlignment,IfcReferent

Describes the manner in which measurements are made along (and optionally offset from) a linear element.
NOTE  Definition according to ISO 19148:2021
Change log
IFC4x3_RC3 to IFC4x3_RC4


LRMName P_SINGLEVALUE / IfcLabel Gives the name of this Linear Referencing Method, such as “kilometre-point”.
NOTE Definition according to ISO 19148:2021. NOTE Names of commonly used Linear Referencing Methods are included in ISO 19148, Annex C, along with recognized name aliases.
LRMType P_ENUMERATEDVALUE / IfcLabel / PEnum_LRMType Gives the type of this Linear Referencing Method.
NOTE Definition according to ISO 19148:2021, LRMType.
NOTE Since the definition in ISO 19148:2021, LRMType is stereotyped as a CodeList it is open for user defined extensions. In this Pset this is handled by adding the enumeration constant LRM_USERDEFINED and the additional property UserDefinedLRMType
UserDefinedLRMType P_SINGLEVALUE / IfcLabel Gives the user defined type of this Linear Referencing Method when property LRMType is LRM_USERDEFINED.
LRMUnit P_SINGLEVALUE / IfcLabel Specifies the units of measure used by this Linear Referencing Method for measures along the linear element being measured.
NOTE Definition according to ISO 19148:2021.
LRMConstraint P_SINGLEVALUE / IfcLabel Allows for the specification of constraints imposed by this Linear Referencing Method. For example, a Reference Post Linear Referencing Method may specify that referents be of type “reference marker”.
NOTE definition according to ISO 19148:2021

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