

Electrical Device CommonA collection of properties that are commonly used by electrical device types.
Change log
IFC4 Addendum 2
IFC4X3_ADD2 to IFC4X4_draft


RatedCurrent P_BOUNDEDVALUE / IfcElectricCurrentMeasure
Rated CurrentThe current that a device is designed to handle.
RatedVoltage P_BOUNDEDVALUE / IfcElectricVoltageMeasure
Rated VoltageThe range of allowed voltage that a device is certified to handle. The upper bound of this value is the maximum.
NominalFrequencyRange P_BOUNDEDVALUE / IfcFrequencyMeasure
Nominal Frequency RangeThe upper and lower limits of frequency for which the operation of the device is certified.
PowerFactor P_SINGLEVALUE / IfcNormalisedRatioMeasure
Power FactorPower factor; usually as ratio. The ratio between the rated electrical power and the product of the rated current and rated voltage
ConductorFunction P_ENUMERATEDVALUE / IfcLabel / PEnum_ConductorFunctionEnum
Conductor FunctionIndicates function of the conductors to which the load is connected. Where L1, L2 and L3 represent the phase lines according to IEC 60446 notation (sometimes phase lines may be referenced by color [Red, Blue, Yellow] or by number [1, 2, 3] etc). Protective Earth is sometimes also known as CPC or common protective conductor. Note that for an electrical device, a set of line conductor functions may be applied.
NumberOfPoles P_SINGLEVALUE / IfcCountMeasure
Number Of PolesNumber of poles that the object would affect. The number of live lines that is intended to be handled by the device.
HasProtectiveEarth P_SINGLEVALUE / IfcBoolean
Has Protective EarthIndicates whether the object has a protective earth connection (=TRUE) or not (= FALSE).
InsulationStandardClass P_ENUMERATEDVALUE / IfcLabel / PEnum_InsulationStandardClass
Insulation Standard ClassInsulation standard classes provides basic protection information against electric shock. Defines levels of insulation required in terms of constructional requirements (creepage and clearance distances) and electrical requirements (compliance with electric strength tests). Basic insulation is considered to be shorted under single fault conditions. The actual values required depend on the working voltage to which the insulation is subjected, as well as other factors. Also indicates whether the electrical device has a protective earth connection.
IP_ CodeIP Code, the International Protection Marking, IEC 60529), classifies and rates the degree of protection provided against intrusion.
IK_Code P_SINGLEVALUE / IfcLabel IK Code according to IEC 62262 (2002) is a numeric classification for the degree of protection provided by enclosures for electrical equipment against external mechanical impacts.
NOTE  In earlier labeling, the third numeral (1..) had been occasionally added to the closely related IP Code on ingress protection, to indicate the level of impact protection.
EarthingStyle P_SINGLEVALUE / IfcLabel Indicates the earthing style of the electric device.
HeatDissipation P_SINGLEVALUE / IfcPowerMeasure Indicates the heat dissipation of the electric device measured in power.
Power P_BOUNDEDVALUE / IfcPowerMeasure
PowerThe actual power and operable range.
NominalPowerConsumption P_SINGLEVALUE / IfcPowerMeasure
Nominal Power ConsumptionNominal total power consumption.
ConsommationPuissanceNominalePuissance de consommation totale nominale.
NumberOfPowerSupplyPorts P_TABLEVALUE / IfcLabel / IfcInteger Indicates the number of power supply ports of the electric device.
FireRating P_SINGLEVALUE / IfcLabel
FeuerwiderstandsklasseFeuerwiderstandsklasse gemäß der nationalen oder regionalen Brandschutzverordnung.
Fire RatingFire rating for this object. It is given according to the national fire safety classification.
Résistance au feuClassement au feu de l'élément donné selon la classification nationale de sécurité incendie.
防火等级该构件的防火等级。 该属性的依据为国家防火安全分级。

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