
Natural language names
Change log
IFC4x3_RC1 to IFC4x3_RC2
IFC4x3_RC3 to IFC4x3_RC4
Semantic definitions at the type
Type definition

The IfcAlignmentCantSegmentTypeEnum indicates the type of a segment of a cant alignment segment (IfcAlignmentCantSegment).

Cant is defined as the amount by which one running rail is raised above the other running rail, in a track cross section.

NOTE Definition according to EN 13803/2017

For 3D modeling both the cant value and the cant angle (bank angle, lateral angle, cross slope angle) are relevant.

The relation between cant value D, Railhead distance b and cant angle ψ is shown below.

"Cant angle ψ"

Figure 437 — Cant angle, Cant, Railhead distance

NOTE in contempory track engineering ψ is approximated by sinus of ψ or tangens of ψ very often.

Variation of Cant Segmenttype Enumeration Values
0 both rails without relative elevation CONSTANTCANT
constant in the complete segment, <> 0 elevated rail CONSTANTCANT
variation along the segment Transition with linear cant variation LINEARTRANSITION
variation along the segment Transition with non-linear cant variation HELMERTCURVE, BLOSSCURVE, COSINECURVE, SINECURVE, VIENNESEBEND

Cant variation in high performance transition bends

While for combinations of horizontal clothoids and linear cant transitions the extension along the base line differs in some cases, curvature transition and cant transition for high performance horizontal transition bends are expected to have the same start position and end position. In some regulations the same linear extension requirement is mandatory for high performance transition bends.

Whether the cant variation is defined by the same base formula as the curvature of the corresponding horizontal high performance transition bend or by a linear ramp also might differ between regulations.

Used Symbols and their meaning

Symbol meaning Unit, value range
L full length of segment positive length L > 0
s current position on segment 0 < s < L
ξ = s / L (Greek "xi") standardised, dimensionless path length along the alignment / track centre line 0 < ξ < 1
D cant .... amount by which one running rail is raised above the other running rail, in a track cross section length
D1 cant at beginning of the alignment segment length
D(s) variable cant at station "s" along the alignment cant segment. length
b Railhead distance; distance between the nominal centre points of the two contact patches of a wheelset (e.g. about 1500 mm for nominal track gauge 1435 mm) length
ψ (Greek "psi") Angle of cant (cross slope angle, bank angle) rad
φ (Greek "phi") Directional angle (azimuth, bearing) rad

NOTE Symbols according to EN 13803/2017

Enumeration definition

Non linear cant variation according to Bloss curve base formula.

Base formula (Cant)

"Bloss cant transition segment"

Figure 438 — Cant for Bloss curve transition segment


For horizontal straight lines, compensation of lateral acceleration is not required and should be avoided. Therefore the applied cant value is constant 0.

For horizontal circular arcs, compensation of lateral acceleration is very common. In these cases the applied cant value is constant value greater 0.

Base formula (Cant)

"Constant cant segment"

Figure 439 — Constant cant segment


Non linear cant variation according to Cosine curve base formula.

Base formula (Cant)

"Cosine cant transition segment"

Figure 440 — Cant for Cosine curve transition segment


Non linear cant variation according to Helmert curve base formula.

Base formula (Cant)

"Helmert cant transition segment"

Figure 441 — Cant for Helmert curve transition segment


Linear cant variation. This is the "natural" formula for horizontal clothoids.

Base formula (Cant)

"Linear ramp transition segment"

Figure 442 — Cant for linear ramp transition segment


Non linear cant variation according to Sine curve base formula.

Base formula (Cant)

"Sine cant transition segment"

Figure 443 — Cant for Sine curve transition segment


Non linear cant variation according to Viennese bend base formula. The determining influence of the cant variation for the curve in the horizontal Cartesian 2D coordinate space is unique within all other transition curves.

.Base formula (Cant)

"Viennese Bend(R) cant transition segment"

Figure 444 — Cant for Viennese Bend(R) transition segment

Formal representations
XML Specification
 <xs:simpleType name="IfcAlignmentCantSegmentTypeEnum">
  <xs:restriction base="xs:string">
   <xs:enumeration value="blosscurve"/>
   <xs:enumeration value="constantcant"/>
   <xs:enumeration value="cosinecurve"/>
   <xs:enumeration value="helmertcurve"/>
   <xs:enumeration value="lineartransition"/>
   <xs:enumeration value="sinecurve"/>
   <xs:enumeration value="viennesebend"/>
EXPRESS Specification
TYPE IfcAlignmentCantSegmentTypeEnum = ENUMERATION OF (

Link to EXPRESS-G diagram EXPRESS-G diagram

References  References: IfcAlignmentCantSegment

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