
Natural language names
Randbedingung an einem Knoten mit Wölbung
Boundary Node Condition Warping
Change log
IFC2x3 to IFC4
      TranslationalStiffnessXMODIFIEDName changed from LinearStiffnessX to TranslationalStiffnessX.
Type changed from IfcLinearStiffnessMeasure to IfcTranslationalStiffnessSelect.
      TranslationalStiffnessYMODIFIEDName changed from LinearStiffnessY to TranslationalStiffnessY.
Type changed from IfcLinearStiffnessMeasure to IfcTranslationalStiffnessSelect.
      TranslationalStiffnessZMODIFIEDName changed from LinearStiffnessZ to TranslationalStiffnessZ.
Type changed from IfcLinearStiffnessMeasure to IfcTranslationalStiffnessSelect.
      RotationalStiffnessXMODIFIEDType changed from IfcRotationalStiffnessMeasure to IfcRotationalStiffnessSelect.
      RotationalStiffnessYMODIFIEDType changed from IfcRotationalStiffnessMeasure to IfcRotationalStiffnessSelect.
      RotationalStiffnessZMODIFIEDType changed from IfcRotationalStiffnessMeasure to IfcRotationalStiffnessSelect.
      WarpingStiffnessMODIFIEDType changed from IfcWarpingMomentMeasure to IfcWarpingStiffnessSelect.
Semantic definitions at the entity
Entity definition

Describes linearly elastic support conditions or connection conditions, including linearly elastic warping restraints.


HISTORY  New entity in IFC2x2.

IFC4 CHANGE  All attribute data types changed from numeric to SELECT between Boolean and numeric. Stiffnesses may now also be negative, for example to capture destabilizing effects in boundary conditions. The IFC2x3 convention of -1. representing infinite stiffness is no longer valid and must not be used. Infinite stiffness, i.e. fixed supports, are now modeled by the Boolean value TRUE.

Attribute definitions
#AttributeTypeCardinalityDescription G
8WarpingStiffnessIfcWarpingStiffnessSelect? Defines the warping stiffness value. X
Inherited definitions from supertypes
Entity inheritance IfcBoundaryNodeCondition IfcBoundaryCondition
Attribute inheritance
1NameIfcLabel? Optionally defines a name for this boundary condition. X
2TranslationalStiffnessXIfcTranslationalStiffnessSelect? Translational stiffness value in x-direction of the coordinate system defined by the instance which uses this resource object. X
3TranslationalStiffnessYIfcTranslationalStiffnessSelect? Translational stiffness value in y-direction of the coordinate system defined by the instance which uses this resource object. X
4TranslationalStiffnessZIfcTranslationalStiffnessSelect? Translational stiffness value in z-direction of the coordinate system defined by the instance which uses this resource object. X
5RotationalStiffnessXIfcRotationalStiffnessSelect? Rotational stiffness value about the x-axis of the coordinate system defined by the instance which uses this resource object. X
6RotationalStiffnessYIfcRotationalStiffnessSelect? Rotational stiffness value about the y-axis of the coordinate system defined by the instance which uses this resource object. X
7RotationalStiffnessZIfcRotationalStiffnessSelect? Rotational stiffness value about the z-axis of the coordinate system defined by the instance which uses this resource object. X
8WarpingStiffnessIfcWarpingStiffnessSelect? Defines the warping stiffness value. X
Formal representations
XML Specification
 <xs:element name="IfcBoundaryNodeConditionWarping" type="ifc:IfcBoundaryNodeConditionWarping" substitutionGroup="ifc:IfcBoundaryNodeCondition" nillable="true"/>
 <xs:complexType name="IfcBoundaryNodeConditionWarping">
   <xs:extension base="ifc:IfcBoundaryNodeCondition">
     <xs:element name="WarpingStiffness" nillable="true" minOccurs="0">
       <xs:group ref="ifc:IfcWarpingStiffnessSelect"/>
EXPRESS Specification
ENTITY IfcBoundaryNodeConditionWarping
 SUBTYPE OF (IfcBoundaryNodeCondition);
  WarpingStiffness : OPTIONAL IfcWarpingStiffnessSelect;

Link to EXPRESS-G diagram EXPRESS-G diagram

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