
Natural language names
Change log
IFC4x1 Final
IFC4x2 Candidate
IFC4x2 to IFC4x3_RC1
      AxisMODIFIEDType changed from IfcCurve to IfcLinearAxisSelect.
IFC4x3_RC1 to IFC4x3_RC2
      AxisXXMODIFIEDType changed from IfcLinearAxisSelect to IfcCurve.
IFC4x3_RC2 to IFC4x3_RC3
      PredefinedTypeXXMODIFIEDName changed from Axis to PredefinedType.
Type changed from IfcCurve to IfcAlignmentTypeEnum.
Instantiation changed to OPTIONAL.
Semantic definitions at the entity
Entity definition

For the purposes of IFC the English term "alignment" defines three essentially separate but closely interconnected concepts.

  1. defintion of a reference system for linear positioning
  2. safeguarding and optimization of the movement of vehicles - kinematic perspective
  3. geometric construction of roads, railway tracks or other linear infrastructure

Reference system for linear positioning

An alignment is used to define a reference system to position elements mainly for linear construction works, such as roads, rails, bridges, and others. The relative positioning along the alignment is defined by the linear referencing methodology.

NOTE  See ISO 19148 Geographic information – Linear referencing for general definitions about linear referencing.

Kinematic perspective

In the kinematic perspective focus is on the safe and optimized movement of a vehicle under the constraints induced by changes in the direction of the horizontal and the vertical layout.

Geometric perspective

In the geometric perspective the focus is on the proper placement of horizontal and vertical segments to connect certain points along a proposed path. A huge body of knowledge has been developed over a long period of time, in many aspects predating the availability of modern computers and their software.

State of the art in contemporary engineering

  1. Contemporary engineering usually establishes first a horizontal layout in a properly projected plane.

  2. In a second step the vertical profile (i.e. sequence of segments with constant gradients together with smoothing segments showing a variation in gradient) is added.

  3. In the rail domain in most cases a cant layout is added to the horizontal layout to compensate a part of the unwanted lateral acceleration.

  4. In a final step the proposed layout is checked against a defined set of rules, formulas and thresholds to guarantee the conformance against the regulation.

The sequence of steps might change from case to case and might be repeated one or more times to achieve the economic objectives and fulfill regulatory safety requirements.

Contemporary alignment design almost always implements a 2.5 dimension approach.

The resulting and documented geometry might be very precise or just good enough to meet safety thresholds. This depends on factors like priorities of the management, date of the design - existing alignments might have been designed more then 50 years ago - or software tools used. Working with legacy data in a high precision BIM model requires a good understanding of these factors.

Distinction between business modeling and IFC core geometry

According to IFC modeling principles alignment entities are organised in two large parts. The two parts work together, but they can also be used independently from each other

  1. Business aspects of alignment
  2. Representation with the IFC geometry resources

Business aspects of alignment: Here the focus is a on a schema structure as close to business terminology as possible. It is possible to have a very detailed segment structure with many domain specific properties attached. Examples for domain specific properties are design speed or cant deficiency.

Representation with IFC geometry resources: Here the focus is on using as much of the established IFC geometry entities as possible. A mapping between Business aspects and IFC geometry is proposed.

IFC modelling

In IFC a single alignment must have:

A single alignment may have:

Alignments may be aggregated into referents (IfcReferent) or derivative alignments. Derivative alignments may be used to indicate dependent alignments, such as an alignment for a bridge that is relative to a parent alignment for a road, where the child IfcAlignment may have its shape representation set to IfcOffsetCurveByDistances that starts and ends at a span within the extent of the shape representation of the parent IfcAlignment.

Alignments may be assigned to groups using IfcRelAssignsToGroup, where IfcGroup or subtypes may capture information common to multiple alignments.

Supported shape representations of IfcAlignment are:

The RepresentationIdentifier shall always be set to 'Axis' and the RepresentationType shall be set to either 'Curve2D' or 'Curve3D' depending on if the referenced curve is 2- or 3-dimensional

NOTE  Derivative specifications (Model View Definitions) may expand the above set to include additional supported curve types.

Attribute definitions
#AttributeTypeCardinalityDescription G
8PredefinedTypeIfcAlignmentTypeEnum? X
Formal Propositions
AlignmentRepresentationOnly IfcShapeRepresentation.RepresentationIdentifier='Axis' and IfcShapeRepresentation.RepresentationType='Curve2D' or 'Curve3D' are allowed. If both 'Curve2D' and 'Curve3D' are defined, then the horizontal alignment 2D curve shall be the basis of the 3D curve.
Inherited definitions from supertypes
Entity inheritance IfcLinearPositioningElement IfcPositioningElement IfcProduct IfcObject IfcObjectDefinition IfcRoot
Attribute inheritance
1GlobalIdIfcGloballyUniqueId Assignment of a globally unique identifier within the entire software world. X
2OwnerHistoryIfcOwnerHistory? Assignment of the information about the current ownership of that object, including owning actor, application, local identification and information captured about the recent changes of the object,
NOTE  only the last modification in stored - either as addition, deletion or modification.
IFC4 CHANGE  The attribute has been changed to be OPTIONAL.
3NameIfcLabel? Optional name for use by the participating software systems or users. For some subtypes of IfcRoot the insertion of the Name attribute may be required. This would be enforced by a where rule. X
4DescriptionIfcText? Optional description, provided for exchanging informative comments. X
S[0:?]Reference to the relationship objects, that assign (by an association relationship) other subtypes of IfcObject to this object instance. Examples are the association to products, processes, controls, resources or groups. X
S[0:1]References to the decomposition relationship being a nesting. It determines that this object definition is a part within an ordered whole/part decomposition relationship. An object occurrence or type can only be part of a single decomposition (to allow hierarchical strutures only).
IFC4 CHANGE  The inverse attribute datatype has been added and separated from Decomposes defined at IfcObjectDefinition.
S[0:?]References to the decomposition relationship being a nesting. It determines that this object definition is the whole within an ordered whole/part decomposition relationship. An object or object type can be nested by several other objects (occurrences or types).
IFC4 CHANGE  The inverse attribute datatype has been added and separated from IsDecomposedBy defined at IfcObjectDefinition.
S[0:1]References to the context providing context information such as project unit or representation context. It should only be asserted for the uppermost non-spatial object.
IFC4 CHANGE  The inverse attribute datatype has been added.
S[0:?]References to the decomposition relationship being an aggregation. It determines that this object definition is whole within an unordered whole/part decomposition relationship. An object definitions can be aggregated by several other objects (occurrences or parts).
IFC4 CHANGE  The inverse attribute datatype has been changed from the supertype IfcRelDecomposes to subtype IfcRelAggregates.
S[0:1]References to the decomposition relationship being an aggregation. It determines that this object definition is a part within an unordered whole/part decomposition relationship. An object definitions can only be part of a single decomposition (to allow hierarchical strutures only).
IFC4 CHANGE  The inverse attribute datatype has been changed from the supertype IfcRelDecomposes to subtype IfcRelAggregates.
S[0:?]Reference to the relationship objects, that associates external references or other resource definitions to the object.. Examples are the association to library, documentation or classification. X
5ObjectTypeIfcLabel? The type denotes a particular type that indicates the object further. The use has to be established at the level of instantiable subtypes. In particular it holds the user defined type, if the enumeration of the attribute PredefinedType is set to USERDEFINED. X
S[0:1]Link to the relationship object pointing to the declaring object that provides the object definitions for this object occurrence. The declaring object has to be part of an object type decomposition. The associated IfcObject, or its subtypes, contains the specific information (as part of a type, or style, definition), that is common to all reflected instances of the declaring IfcObject, or its subtypes.
IFC4 CHANGE  New inverse relationship, change made with upward compatibility for file based exchange.
S[0:?]Link to the relationship object pointing to the reflected object(s) that receives the object definitions. The reflected object has to be part of an object occurrence decomposition. The associated IfcObject, or its subtypes, provides the specific information (as part of a type, or style, definition), that is common to all reflected instances of the declaring IfcObject, or its subtypes.
IFC4 CHANGE  New inverse relationship, change made with upward compatibility for file based exchange.
S[0:1]Set of relationships to the object type that provides the type definitions for this object occurrence. The then associated IfcTypeObject, or its subtypes, contains the specific information (or type, or style), that is common to all instances of IfcObject, or its subtypes, referring to the same type.
IFC4 CHANGE  New inverse relationship, the link to IfcRelDefinesByType had previously be included in the inverse relationship IfcRelDefines. Change made with upward compatibility for file based exchange.
S[0:?]Set of relationships to property set definitions attached to this object. Those statically or dynamically defined properties contain alphanumeric information content that further defines the object.
IFC4 CHANGE  The data type has been changed from IfcRelDefines to IfcRelDefinesByProperties with upward compatibility for file based exchange.
6ObjectPlacementIfcObjectPlacement? Placement of the product in space, the placement can either be absolute (relative to the world coordinate system), relative (relative to the object placement of another product), or constraint (e.g. relative to grid axes). It is determined by the various subtypes of IfcObjectPlacement, which includes the axis placement information to determine the transformation for the object coordinate system. X
7RepresentationIfcProductRepresentation? Reference to the representations of the product, being either a representation (IfcProductRepresentation) or as a special case a shape representations (IfcProductDefinitionShape). The product definition shape provides for multiple geometric representations of the shape property of the object within the same object coordinate system, defined by the object placement. X
S[0:?]Reference to the IfcRelAssignsToProduct relationship, by which other products, processes, controls, resources or actors (as subtypes of IfcObjectDefinition) can be related to this product. X
S[0:1]Relationship to a spatial structure element, to which the positioning element is primarily associated.
IFC2x CHANGE  The inverse relationship has been added to IfcGrid with upward compatibility
IFC4 CHANGE  The inverse relationship has been promoted from IfcGrid to this new supertype with upward compatibility
8PredefinedTypeIfcAlignmentTypeEnum? X
Definitions applying to General Usage

 Instance diagram

Concept usage

Alignment Layout

The Alignment Layout concept template applies to this entity as shown in Table 30.

Table 30 — IfcAlignment Alignment Layout

Alignment Geometry Gradient

The Alignment Geometry Gradient concept template applies to this entity as shown in Table 31.

Table 31 — IfcAlignment Alignment Geometry Gradient

Referent Nesting

The Object Nesting concept template applies to this entity as shown in Table 32.


Table 32 — IfcAlignment Object Nesting

Alignment Geometry Cant

The Alignment Geometry Cant concept template applies to this entity as shown in Table 33.

Table 33 — IfcAlignment Alignment Geometry Cant

Alignment Aggregation To Project

The Alignment Aggregation To Project concept template applies to this entity as shown in Table 34.

Table 34 — IfcAlignment Alignment Aggregation To Project

Alignment Layout - Horizontal, Vertical and Cant

The Alignment Layout - Horizontal, Vertical and Cant concept template applies to this entity as shown in Table 35.

Table 35 — IfcAlignment Alignment Layout - Horizontal, Vertical and Cant

Alignment Layout - Reusing Horizontal Layout

The Alignment Layout - Reusing Horizontal Layout concept template applies to this entity as shown in Table 36.

Table 36 — IfcAlignment Alignment Layout - Reusing Horizontal Layout

Alignment Geometry - Horizontal

The Alignment Geometry - Horizontal concept template applies to this entity as shown in Table 37.

Table 37 — IfcAlignment Alignment Geometry - Horizontal

Alignment Geometry - Horizontal and Vertical

The Alignment Geometry - Horizontal and Vertical concept template applies to this entity as shown in Table 38.

Table 38 — IfcAlignment Alignment Geometry - Horizontal and Vertical

Alignment Geometry - Horizontal, Vertical and Cant

The Alignment Geometry - Horizontal, Vertical and Cant concept template applies to this entity as shown in Table 39.

Table 39 — IfcAlignment Alignment Geometry - Horizontal, Vertical and Cant

Alignment Spatial Reference

The Alignment Spatial Reference concept template applies to this entity as shown in Table 40.


Table 40 — IfcAlignment Alignment Spatial Reference

Alignment Grouping

The Alignment Grouping concept template applies to this entity as shown in Table 41.


Table 41 — IfcAlignment Alignment Grouping

Property Sets for Objects

The Property Sets for Objects concept template applies to this entity as shown in Table 42.


Table 42 — IfcAlignment Property Sets for Objects

mvdXML Specification
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<ConceptRoot xmlns:xsi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance" uuid="733a949d-1cc8-4d40-bd6a-3836e3c195dd" name="IfcAlignment" applicableRootEntity="IfcAlignment">
  <Template ref="425ea152-03b9-4561-a5c8-8bc3b50f9289" />
  <TemplateRules operator="and">
  <Concept uuid="e554c63e-acc9-473f-9469-6124fef84b4a" name="Alignment Layout">
   <Template ref="334e7f67-fd69-465f-b314-a2010a997465" />
   <TemplateRules operator="and">
    <TemplateRule />
  <Concept uuid="1d7ba8a9-6245-46c9-8d2e-d02779fdb8ae" name="Alignment Geometry Gradient">
   <Template ref="c9be2304-1385-4c9f-9803-58cf95c53efd" />
   <TemplateRules operator="and">
    <TemplateRule />
  <Concept uuid="1da6f9f0-6ffc-42f6-ba24-f16e4f6450a0" name="Referent Nesting">
   <Template ref="38ca8788-5e47-411c-8294-d56f9e9a5691" />
   <TemplateRules operator="and">
    <TemplateRule Parameters="Type[Type]=&apos;IfcReferent&apos;" />
  <Concept uuid="5d6a08e0-2d4f-494f-afd6-782daef4b37f" name="Alignment Geometry Cant">
   <Template ref="3ae6a682-f042-45a1-8875-777b882183d4" />
   <TemplateRules operator="and">
    <TemplateRule />
  <Concept uuid="cf2ad581-5f73-4f92-ae9d-24b391e1dd31" name="Alignment Aggregation To Project">
   <Template ref="56396e81-a5e7-5290-a13f-ed0aeaa6ec64" />
   <TemplateRules operator="and">
    <TemplateRule />
  <Concept uuid="0f1d2e7a-b790-460d-917d-b39d861a9010" name="Alignment Layout - Horizontal, Vertical and Cant ">
   <Template ref="9f2220fe-98ec-5afd-82ff-3cd0b0bbcc02" />
   <TemplateRules operator="and">
    <TemplateRule />
  <Concept uuid="d8c14fa6-4395-44fe-87c3-656e230ade60" name="Alignment Layout - Reusing Horizontal Layout">
   <Template ref="31c80d61-aa70-5fdc-a1e4-eb94e37885fa" />
   <TemplateRules operator="and">
    <TemplateRule />
  <Concept uuid="868c7f90-c335-43d6-9f24-0686ad82a8f2" name="Alignment Geometry - Horizontal">
   <Template ref="d585f293-93af-5964-b9cd-2d5c30038185" />
   <TemplateRules operator="and">
    <TemplateRule />
  <Concept uuid="bbbac2ee-0e90-4d6e-9bae-2608b9b0934d" name="Alignment Geometry - Horizontal and Vertical">
   <Template ref="550c3d22-f72d-59ef-a6cd-ff23b9c79c3f" />
   <TemplateRules operator="and">
    <TemplateRule />
  <Concept uuid="6f89fa08-e83a-4d37-8897-039af4154f2c" name="Alignment Geometry - Horizontal, Vertical and Cant ">
   <Template ref="e338408d-8ac0-5f45-8f3f-4b30e332611c" />
   <TemplateRules operator="and">
    <TemplateRule />
  <Concept uuid="6a306d5f-edd8-44d7-b6c0-89f628b982ad" name="Alignment Spatial Reference">
   <Template ref="11c6fc93-9a4f-5eb6-b012-67d1630a0547" />
   <TemplateRules operator="and">
    <TemplateRule />
  <Concept uuid="dafe9e85-3900-46fc-8728-9a530cfb3450" name="Alignment Grouping">
   <Template ref="fda7c80d-f881-5af8-b892-3a0df84511c6" />
   <TemplateRules operator="and">
    <TemplateRule />
  <Concept uuid="6e3dda07-be29-4546-aa16-e498dddc0291" name="Property Sets for Objects">
   <Template ref="f74255a6-0c0e-4f31-84ad-24981db62461" />
   <TemplateRules operator="and">
    <TemplateRule Parameters="PsetName[Value]=&apos;Pset_LinearReferencingMethod&apos;" />
Concept inheritance

#ConceptTemplateModel View
IdentitySoftware IdentityGeneral Usage
Revision ControlRevision ControlGeneral Usage
Classification AssociationClassification AssociationGeneral Usage
Assignment to ProductAssignment to ProductGeneral Usage
Object User IdentityObject User IdentityGeneral Usage
Object Predefined TypeObject Predefined TypeGeneral Usage
Object TypingObject TypingGeneral Usage
Property Sets with OverrideProperty Sets with OverrideGeneral Usage
Product PlacementProduct PlacementGeneral Usage
Product Geometric RepresentationProduct Geometric RepresentationGeneral Usage
Relative PositionProduct Relative PositioningGeneral Usage
Product Span PositioningProduct Span PositioningGeneral Usage
Product Geometry ColourProduct Geometry ColourGeneral Usage
Product Geometry LayerProduct Geometry LayerGeneral Usage
Product Relative PlacementProduct Relative PlacementGeneral Usage
PlacementProduct Local PlacementGeneral Usage
Footprint GeometryFootPrint GeometryGeneral Usage
Alignment LayoutAlignment LayoutGeneral Usage
Alignment Geometry GradientAlignment Geometry GradientGeneral Usage
Referent NestingObject NestingGeneral Usage
Alignment Geometry CantAlignment Geometry CantGeneral Usage
Alignment Aggregation To ProjectAlignment Aggregation To ProjectGeneral Usage
Alignment Layout - Horizontal, Vertical and Cant Alignment Layout - Horizontal, Vertical and CantGeneral Usage
Alignment Layout - Reusing Horizontal LayoutAlignment Layout - Reusing Horizontal LayoutGeneral Usage
Alignment Geometry - HorizontalAlignment Geometry - HorizontalGeneral Usage
Alignment Geometry - Horizontal and VerticalAlignment Geometry - Horizontal and VerticalGeneral Usage
Alignment Geometry - Horizontal, Vertical and Cant Alignment Geometry - Horizontal, Vertical and CantGeneral Usage
Alignment Spatial ReferenceAlignment Spatial ReferenceGeneral Usage
Alignment GroupingAlignment GroupingGeneral Usage
Property Sets for ObjectsProperty Sets for ObjectsGeneral Usage
Formal representations
XML Specification
 <xs:element name="IfcAlignment" type="ifc:IfcAlignment" substitutionGroup="ifc:IfcLinearPositioningElement" nillable="true"/>
 <xs:complexType name="IfcAlignment">
   <xs:extension base="ifc:IfcLinearPositioningElement">
    <xs:attribute name="PredefinedType" type="ifc:IfcAlignmentTypeEnum" use="optional"/>
EXPRESS Specification
ENTITY IfcAlignment
 SUBTYPE OF (IfcLinearPositioningElement);
  PredefinedType : OPTIONAL IfcAlignmentTypeEnum;
  AlignmentRepresentation : IfcAlignmentRepresentation(SELF);

Link to EXPRESS-G diagram EXPRESS-G diagram

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