
Natural language names
Semantic definitions at the entity
Entity definition

An IfcMapConversionScaled is a type of IfcMapConversion that supplies factors for coordinate conversion. The usage is restricted to when factors are explicitly exchanged.

NOTE Typically, these are relatively smaller facilities such as buildings where constant factors are agreed on a project.

HISTORY New entity in IFC4X3_ADD1

For this transformation, IfcMapConversionScaled data are used for:

  1. a scaling of the three axes (x,y,z), by the same IfcMapConversionScaled.Scale
  2. a multiplication of the x-axis by IfcMapConversionScaled.FactorX
  3. a multiplication of the y-axis by IfcMapConversionScaled.FactorY
  4. a multiplication of the z-axis by IfcMapConversionScaled.FactorZ
  5. followed by an anti-clockwise rotation about the z-axis of θ, where: $$ \theta=arctan\left(\frac{\text}{\text}\right) $$
  6. and then a translation in (x,y,z) of IfcMapConversionScaled.Eastings, IfcMapConversionScaled.Northings, IfcMapConversionScaled.OrthogonalHeight.


Below are the relevant equations for IfcMapConversionScaled. The equations are given: a) in transformation matrix form, useful for programmers to understand the exact sequence of operations and b) in a simplified equation form, which is sufficient for calculating a single point.

a) matrix form

$$ \begin x'\\ y'\\ z' \end = \begin cos\theta & -sin\theta & 0 \\ sin\theta & cos\theta & 0 \\ 0 & 0 & 1 \end \cdot \begin \text & 0 & 0 \\ 0 & \text & 0 \\ 0 & 0 & \text \end \cdot \begin \text & 0 & 0 \\ 0 & \text & 0 \\ 0 & 0 & \text \end \cdot \begin x \\ y \\ z \end + \begin \text \\ \text \\ \text \end $$

b) equation form

$$ \begin x' &= \text \cdot \text \cdot cos\theta \cdot x-\text \cdot \text \cdot sin\theta \cdot y+\text \\ y' &= \text \cdot \text \cdot sin\theta \cdot x+\text \cdot \text \cdot cos\theta \cdot y+\text \\ z' &= \text \cdot \text \cdot z+\text \end $$

Attribute definitions
#AttributeTypeCardinalityDescription G
9FactorXIfcReal Factor X by which the length measures in local engineering CS have to be multiplied to get map coordinates X
10FactorYIfcReal Factor Y by which the length measures in local engineering CS have to be multiplied to get map coordinates X
11FactorZIfcReal Factor Z by which the length measures in local engineering CS have to be multiplied to get map coordinates X
Inherited definitions from supertypes
Entity inheritance IfcMapConversion IfcCoordinateOperation
Attribute inheritance
1SourceCRSIfcCoordinateReferenceSystemSelect Source coordinate reference system for the operation. X
2TargetCRSIfcCoordinateReferenceSystem Target coordinate reference system for the operation. X
3EastingsIfcLengthMeasure Specifies the location along the easting of the coordinate system of the target map coordinate reference system.
NOTE  for right-handed Cartesian coordinate systems this would establish the location along the x axis.
4NorthingsIfcLengthMeasure Specifies the location along the northing of the coordinate system of the target map coordinate reference system.
NOTE  for right-handed Cartesian coordinate systems this would establish the location along the y axis
5OrthogonalHeightIfcLengthMeasure Orthogonal height relativ to the vertical datum specified.
NOTE  for right-handed Cartesian coordinate systems this would establish the location along the z axis
6XAxisAbscissaIfcReal? Specifies the value along the easting axis of the end point of a vector indicating the position of the local x axis of the engineering coordinate reference system.
NOTE 1 for right-handed Cartesian coordinate systems this would establish the location along the x axis
NOTE 2 together with the XAxisOrdinate it provides the direction of the local x axis within the horizontal plane of the map coordinate system
7XAxisOrdinateIfcReal? Specifies the value along the northing axis of the end point of a vector indicating the position of the local x axis of the engineering coordinate reference system.
NOTE 1 for right-handed Cartesian coordinate systems this would establish the location along the y axis
XAxisAbscissa it provides the direction of the local x axis within the horizontal plane of the map coordinate system.
8ScaleIfcReal? Scale to be used, when the units of the CRS are not identical to the units of the engineering coordinate system. If omited, the value of 1.0 is assumed. X
9FactorXIfcReal Factor X by which the length measures in local engineering CS have to be multiplied to get map coordinates X
10FactorYIfcReal Factor Y by which the length measures in local engineering CS have to be multiplied to get map coordinates X
11FactorZIfcReal Factor Z by which the length measures in local engineering CS have to be multiplied to get map coordinates X
Formal representations
XML Specification
 <xs:element name="IfcMapConversionScaled" type="ifc:IfcMapConversionScaled" substitutionGroup="ifc:IfcMapConversion" nillable="true"/>
 <xs:complexType name="IfcMapConversionScaled">
   <xs:extension base="ifc:IfcMapConversion">
    <xs:attribute name="FactorX" type="ifc:IfcReal" use="optional"/>
    <xs:attribute name="FactorY" type="ifc:IfcReal" use="optional"/>
    <xs:attribute name="FactorZ" type="ifc:IfcReal" use="optional"/>
EXPRESS Specification
ENTITY IfcMapConversionScaled
 SUBTYPE OF (IfcMapConversion);
  FactorX : IfcReal;
  FactorY : IfcReal;
  FactorZ : IfcReal;

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