
PSET_TYPEDRIVENOVERRIDE / IfcBeam,IfcBuildingElementProxy,IfcChimney,IfcColumn,IfcFooting,IfcMember,IfcPile,IfcPlate,IfcRailing,IfcRamp,IfcRampFlight,IfcRoof,IfcSlab,IfcStair,IfcStairFlight,IfcWall,IfcCivilElement,IfcArchElement

Generelle Eigenschaften die allen Betonbauteilen, einschließlich Stahlbetonbauteilen, gemeinsam sind. Dieser Eigenschaftssatz kann den verschiedenen Bauelementklassen (Subtypen von IfcBuildingElement) zugeordnet werden.
Concrete Element GeneralGeneral properties common to different types of concrete elements, including reinforced concrete elements. The property set can be used by a number of subtypes of IfcBuiltElement, indicated that such element is designed or constructed using a concrete construction method.
コンクリート要素の異なるタイプに対する共通の一般的な属性。 Pset は IfcBuildingElement の多くのサブタイプによって使うことができる。
Change log
IFC4X3_ADD2 to IFC4X4_draft
    Pset_ConcreteElementGeneralMODIFIEDInstantiation changed from IfcBeam,IfcBuildingElementProxy,IfcChimney,IfcColumn,IfcFooting,IfcMember,IfcPile,IfcPlate,IfcRailing,IfcRamp,IfcRampFlight,IfcRoof,IfcSlab,IfcStair,IfcStairFlight,IfcWall,IfcCivilElement to IfcBeam,IfcBuildingElementProxy,IfcChimney,IfcColumn,IfcFooting,IfcMember,IfcPile,IfcPlate,IfcRailing,IfcRamp,IfcRampFlight,IfcRoof,IfcSlab,IfcStair,IfcStairFlight,IfcWall,IfcCivilElement,IfcArchElement.


AssemblyPlace P_ENUMERATEDVALUE / IfcLabel / PEnum_AssemblyPlace
Assembly PlaceEnumeration defining where the assembly is intended to take place, either in a factory, other offsite location or on the building site.
CastingMethod P_ENUMERATEDVALUE / IfcLabel / PEnum_ConcreteCastingMethod The method of casting the concrete into its designed form.
StructuralClass P_SINGLEVALUE / IfcLabel
Structural ClassThe structural class defined for the concrete structure (e.g. '1').
StrengthClass P_SINGLEVALUE / IfcLabel
BetonfestigkeitsklasseKlassifikation der Betonfestigkeit gemäß der aktuellen, im Projekt angewandten, Norm.
Strength ClassClassification of the concrete strength in accordance with the concrete design code which is applied in the project.
ExposureClass P_SINGLEVALUE / IfcLabel
ExpositionsklasseKlassifikation der Widerstandsfähigkeit gegenüber chemischen und physikalischen Einwirkungen gemäß der aktuellen, im Projekt angewandten, Norm.
Exposure ClassClassification of exposure to environmental conditions, usually specified in accordance with the concrete design code which is applied in the project.
ReinforcementVolumeRatio P_SINGLEVALUE / IfcMassDensityMeasure
Bewehrungsgrad VolumenDas geforderte Verhältnis der effektiven Masse der Bewehrung im Verhältnis zur effektiven Masse des Betons für dieses Element.
Reinforcement Volume RatioThe required ratio of the effective mass of the reinforcement to the effective volume of the concrete of a reinforced concrete structural element.
ReinforcementAreaRatio P_SINGLEVALUE / IfcAreaDensityMeasure
Bewehrungsgrad FlächeDas geforderte Verhältnis der effektiven flächenbezogenen Masse der Bewehrung im Verhältnis zur effektiven Fläche des Betons für dieses Element.
Reinforcement Area RatioThe required ratio of the effective area of the reinforcement to the effective area of the concrete At any section of a reinforced concrete structural element.
DimensionalAccuracyClass P_SINGLEVALUE / IfcLabel
Dimensional Accuracy ClassClassification designation of the dimensional accuracy requirement according to local standards.
ConstructionToleranceClass P_SINGLEVALUE / IfcLabel
Construction Tolerance ClassClassification designation of the on-site construction tolerances according to local standards.
ConcreteCover P_SINGLEVALUE / IfcPositiveLengthMeasure
BetonüberdeckungAbstand zwischen der Betonoberfläche und der Außenkante einer vom Beton umhüllten Bewehrung.
Concrete CoverThe protective concrete cover at the reinforcing bars according to local building regulations.
ConcreteCoverAtMainBars P_SINGLEVALUE / IfcPositiveLengthMeasure
Betonüberdeckung HauptstäbeAbstand zwischen der Betonoberfläche und der Außenkante den vom Beton umhüllten Bewehrungshauptstäben.
Concrete Cover At Main BarsThe protective concrete cover at the main reinforcing bars according to local building regulations.
ConcreteCoverAtLinks P_SINGLEVALUE / IfcPositiveLengthMeasure
Betonüberdeckung VerbindungsstäbeAbstand zwischen der Betonoberfläche und der Außenkante der vom Beton umhüllten Bewehrungsverbindungsstäben.
Concrete Cover At LinksThe protective concrete cover at the reinforcement links according to local building regulations.
ReinforcementStrengthClass P_SINGLEVALUE / IfcLabel
Reinforcement Strength ClassClassification of the reinforcement strength in accordance with the concrete design code which is applied in the project. The reinforcing strength class often combines strength and ductility.
ReinforcementType P_ENUMERATEDVALUE / IfcLabel / PEnum_ReinforcementType The type of reinforcement in the concrete element. May be used whenever reinforcement has not been explicitly modelled.

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